Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hello again...
Nothing much to write about except that KYLE IS COMING HOME by this weekend. He will be driving back with his mom and her friend helping them drive through. It will be a fun life when they finally get settled once again and start their life here in the desert. Today is called the "Day of Tricks"...yes, April Fool's Day! We have had many little things April Fool us, but none as this one did today...Sydney's was the best. Go to and read her most recent post! She got us good and I don't think we can ever think up something like that to pay her back! We're going to think, though, and see if we can come up with something for next year! haha It was the best. Good going, Sydney! That's about it for now. More next time. Hope everyone is doing well at this beginning of a great spring and summer! Love to all. d and b


Sydney said...

Stuart failed miserably at his attempt at "fooling" me today. Normally he's pulling my chain every other day as it is with various antics. But today he called and said his Dad had talked him into us going to Michigan for two weeks this summer. I literally laughed at him and told him to have fun! :) Silly boy.

Mimi/Papa said...

LOL Now, that's funny! Will you let him take Kaden alone..>??? hahahahaha

I hardly ever look at my own this is probably pretty old in answering!